Original status bar is not good for use as it is just too much notification icons, but no useful statistics.

Size: 388 Kb | Android: 2.3.3 and up

This app help you to adding meaningful text readings (text overlay) to your screen. You can add date in different formats, battery level and temperature, available memory (RAM) and CPU reading. You can quickly refer to the statistics at anytime. You can also change their font size, color, order, location, transparency, and layout.

1.0.117 External storage fix.

1.0.116 Chinese cal fix.

1.0.115 Bug fix (battery).

1.0.111 Xiaomi Fix.

v1.0.117 DOWNLOAD from: UploadRocket - Zippyshare

v1.0.116 DOWNLOAD from: UploadRocket - Zippyshare

v1.0.115 APK FILE: HERE or HERE

v1.0.113 APK FILE: HERE

v1.0.108 APK FILE: HERE

v1.0.105 APK FILE: HERE

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